Officers’ Quarters: Finding a guild as a returning player
This week's question comes from Twitter: [question][from]@Rama2930 asked[/from][body]Just came back to my Warr (for legion).
Officers’ Quarters: Three questions about creating a guild
Creating a WoW guild is no small endeavor.
Paragon hangs up its hat, exiting World of Warcraft
Paragon has reached the end of its long journey and today announced an exit from the world first stage that they've been competing in for many expansions.
Officers’ Quarters: A guild-issued carry permit
Getting carried for gear by a progression guild sounds like a dream come true for most players, and most players would happily accept it.
Officers’ Quarters: Loot systems for guild-plus-PUGs raids
Nothing causes more headaches for officers than loot.
Officers’ Quarters: How to help your guild’s struggling raid DPS
What should you do when a damage dealer is incredibly low on the DPS meters?
Breakfast Topic: Game blindness
One of the reasons I had to semi-retire from raiding (I still go from time to time, I've even raided Hellfire Citadel Heroic) is because spell effects have gotten to the point where they give me massive headaches.
Breakfast Topic: Killing time before Legion
By all accounts — from the unfinished state of the alpha client to the "before September 2016" release date — World of Warcraft's Legion expansion is still a ways off.
Breakfast Topic: The things you can’t do
I've done quite a bit during my decade-long tenure in World of Warcraft.
Officers’ Quarters: Dealing with a shady raider
In the lull between expansions, raiding guilds want to keep as many active players as they can.