Supporter Only Posts
Retired (for now): Fennelwhen, Restoration Shaman
This character profile has been written for Fennelwhen, one of our supporters.
Go behind the scenes with Team Blizzard Watch at BlizzCon!
As you know, BlizzCon is right here, which means things are pretty crazy at Blizzard Watch HQ.
Wounds that can’t be healed: Enyss and life after Teldrassil
This character profile has been written for Enyss, one of our supporters.
Only so you would ask: Bundtcake of the Shattered Sun
This character profile has been written for Bundtcake, one of our supporters.
He was her weapon: Echthroi, the Enemy
This character profile has been written for Echthroi, one of our supporters.
The complexities of gearing in Battle for Azeroth
This post was originally published just for our supporters, but now it's available to everyone.
Is the mission table really necessary in Battle for Azeroth?
This article was originally posted just for our supporters, but now it's public for everyone to enjoy.
Is there a point to Recruit-A-Friend anymore?
This was originally published just for our supporters on Patreon, but now it's available for everyone.
You can survive even this: Zaduss, forged in Light
This character profile has been written for Zaduss, one of our supporters.
🔒 Watching Blizzard: It’s all about the patches
World of Warcraft, Heroes of the Storm, Hearthstone, Overwatch, and even Diablo — for just about every game, there's an upcoming patch or update that's going to shake things up (or at least add some new treats for us to play with).