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The Queue: Purple is the color of my energy

Because I took the time to get a second Warrior to 110, my first Warrior to 110 is a big behind on the gearing curve. But she looks awesome.

Anyway, this is The Queue. I won’t be writing Friday’s because of eye related stuff. So you get me today. Rejoice! Or don’t, I guess. Hey, if you want to give a fella a boost when he’s about to have all sorts of nasty stuff happen to his eyes, you could buy his book. Just saying.

Lightsworn: 3 ways for you to make tanking farm fights more interesting

We’ve been here before. The long content drought where you find yourself raiding the same fights and the same bosses over and over again. It’s slightly more bearable if the encounters are particularly interesting, but that really hasn’t been the pattern this expansion. What’s a tank to do when you find yourself repeating the same old dances moves? Is it possible to shake things up so you can slog through another dozen months of the same raid content without going completely off your rocker?

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