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Warlords Of Draenor

Draenor and Outland comparison gallery

Imgur user Gamerlen put together a pretty remarkable gallery a few days ago featuring some striking comparisons between Draenor and Outland. The gallery highlights some of the very, very visible areas of Draenor, like Auchindoun and the Temple of Karabor, as well as the fate they saw when Draenor shattered into Outland. But even more interesting are the areas we didn't really think about when we saw them on Draenor.

Know Your Lore: Wrathion and Draenor

Wrathion spent pretty much the entirety of Mists of Pandaria sending us on errands -- and now it appears the Black Prince is on Draenor. Yet despite evidence of his presence, he's nowhere to be found. Then, of course, is the question of why Wrathion would be on Draenor when it's the safety of Azeroth he's concerned with, especially after his visions of the world being overrun.

How to get to Draenor and skip Tanaan Jungle entirely

While the opening quests are fairly quick paced and net a lot of experience, it can get a little tiresome on repeat playthroughs, particularly if you have a lot of alts. So why not just ... skip it all, and start Warlords on Draenor, bypassing the opening experience entirely? It's absolutely possible to do so, through a little riding around and a strange little trick on, of all places, the Timeless Isle.

Lightsworn: Retribution in Blackrock Foundry, part 1

I don’t know about you, but for me the transition from Highmaul to Blackrock Foundry has been a welcome one. Highmaul wasn’t a terrible instance, but it also wasn’t a particularly good one either. Not a single encounter stood out at me, bouncing up and down in a desperate plea for love and attention. Kargath, The Butcher, Brackenspore, and Twin Ogron were little more than stand-and-burn fights for melee classes with minor complications tacked on to make them feel not so “phoned in.” Ko’ragh was outright hostile to melee...

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