Warlords Of Draenor
What path is World of Warcraft on?
Legion felt to me like a watershed moment for World of Warcraft.
When is Battle for Azeroth launching?
Back in August of 2017 we talked about how Legion would shake out and whether we'd get a new Expansion announcement at BlizzCon.
Happy birthday, Wrath of the Lich King and Warlords of Draenor!
The older we get, the faster time seems to pass by.
Where would you rate Legion right now?
I was pretty excited when Legion was announced at Gamescom 2015.
What do previous expansions tell us about Legion’s future?
We're in that part of Legion's life cycle when we begin speculating on what's next, and more importantly, when we'll find out.
What mechanics would you like to see in the next WoW expansion?
Warlords had the garrison, Legion had the Order Hall and the Artifacts.
Catch up on lore with our guide to Warcraft in print
Since the release of Warcraft: Orcs & Humans back in 1994, Blizzard has been building a massive universe around the world of Azeroth.
Is it time for more character model revamps?
There's no good way to say this so I'll say it badly.
Legion and the iteration of design
One of the things that hits me every time I accidentally use my Garrison Hearthstone (or deliberately -- it's an easy way to get to the portals in Stormshield) is that my Garrison is basically my Order Hall, but a more primitive version of it.
Could a Cataclysm-style expansion work?
One of the things players really seem to love in expansions is that they be self contained.