Wow Arena World Championship
WoW Esports team announces Mythic Dungeon Invitational and Arenas
Today on a short and sweet Twitch stream with World of Warcraft community manager Josh "Lore" Allen, esports manager Jeramy McIntyre laid out what 2018 holds for WoW esports.
BlizzCon esports day three recap: StarCraft 2, Hearthstone, WoW Arena, Heroes
BlizzCon Opening Week started out pretty well as we expected, but day three was a roller coaster ride.
BlizzCon esports opening week competition winds down
BlizzCon isn't quite here yet, but the opening week of esports matches is nearly over.
Hearthstone, Overwatch, Heroes, and WoW in Blizzard esports this weekend
This was a historic week in the world of esports.
BlizzCon 2015 Opening Week to spotlight eSports
With the addition of Hearthstone and Heroes of the Storm to Blizzard's already jam packed competitive eSports line up, the company has decided to hold many of the final qualifying matches for its titles on the week before BlizzCon.