Wow Gold
Legion: Gold cap raised to 9,999,999g
If there's one thing that's come from garrisons during Warlords of Draenor's long lifetime, it's gold.
How to get started with gold-making in World of Warcraft
There’s no two ways about it: getting ahead in WoW costs serious coin, which can be tricky to gather, especially if you’re just getting started. We'll help you out, whether you're level 1 or level 100.
Breakfast Topic: Are you gold capped?
I'm one of those WoW players who seems to be inevitably broke. No matter how much gold I come into — which is rarely much, even in this seemingly easy money in-game economy — I seem to be better at spending it than making it.
Breakfast Topic: Will you trade gametime for gold (or vice versa)?
Are you planning on buying gametime for gold in WoW when you get the option?