Kul Tiran Humans and Mag’har Orcs coming in Battle for Azeroth

Battle for Azeroth will be getting an additional two new Allied Races, one we already knew about and one we hoped would come.
Mag’har Orcs were basically confirmed in the last Q&A, and the subsequent datamined jokes and flirts for the race cemented that. They aren’t the traditional Mag’har faction from Outland, however. Mag’har Orcs are simply “uncorrupted,” meaning that they can be sourced from the multiple clans we came in contact with in our travels on AU Draenor. We’ve already seen from Wowhead’s datamining for the models that this will include the Laughing Skull, Blackrock, Shattered Hand, and Frostwolf clans, among others.
Kul Tirans were suspected as a possible Allied Race, but not confirmed until now. Their datamined models and customization wavered between playable and simply really nice NPCs, though the unique Druid bear form yesterday pushed it further into playable territory. There had also been a thing with datamined “Thin Human” models, though we don’t know if it’s another Allied Race, a customization option for Kul Tirans, or just regular NPCs. The variety of body sizes seen in Kul Tirans is the first step toward better body customization for characters.
We don’t know yet when the Mag’har or Kul Tirans will be available during the expansion. The only Allied Races confirmed for launch are the four we have now — Lightforged Draenei, Void Elves, Nightborne, and Highmountain Tauren. Zandalari Trolls and Dark Iron Dwarves were confirmed to come after launch, as we work our way through they story lines.
If you have too many characters, don’t worry about having to cull your character list to make room for the new races. Ion confirmed that every time they add new Allied Races, they’ll also add additional character slots per server. Since we received four slots with the first four Allied Races, it’s safe to assume we’ll receive a slot per new race, likely getting two slots at a time with each new Alliance and Horde pair. However, there’s no new word on raising the cap of 50 characters per account. At BlizzCon they mentioned that there were no plans to raise it, though they were open to hearing from players affected by the cap who actually played all their characters. As Blizzard adds more and more Allied Races (and they hinted the possibilities are endless), we come closer to the account cap being a realistic concern.
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