Here’s what some of the top cosplayers are working on for BlizzCon

BlizzCon is almost here! This Friday the doors of the Anaheim convention center will open and we’ll finally get to see all the best projects that Blizzard has been working on — but Blizzard isn’t the only one who’s been hard at work. Cosplayers of every stripe have been working their fingers to the bone getting costumes ready. Each year hundreds of people go to the convention dressed as their favorite characters and objects from Blizzard’s universes. Some hope to win glory in the costume contest, others just want to show their love of the characters or hope to impress their favorite voice actor.
Every year the costumes get better and more intricate — the things that these crafters can do with Worbla and foam will blow your mind! Here are just a few examples of people to keep an eye out for if you’re attending the show. They’re bringing their best work and hope to see you there!
KazulGFox won last years Cosplay contest with her amazing Hogger suit. It was so lifelike that even the Stormwind Guards locked her up. This year her partner FrosteeFox will be walking the halls as a Goatman from Diablo.
Tall goat! Test fit, almost ready to paint the face… Its scary though!
1000% more happy with the shoulders and neck after adding some fur there
— Kazplay (@Kazulcosplay) October 30, 2018
Faebelina, artist extraordinaire will be doing her first cosplay this year! She’s going as her own Night Elf, all dressed up and ready for a ball. If you’re interested in saying hello, she’ll be at Con Before the Storm signing stuff! Not only will she be there, but you can also go and meet our very own Mitch, Rachelle, and Matticus who are going to be signing at the same time!
I was doing a makeup and dress test and I got a package. It was really interesting answering the door like this haha! #cosplayfaeb
— 🦋Faeb🍃 (@Faebelina) October 29, 2018
Little Sparkz — who you may remember as Chromie — is going as Malfurion this year. Light up wings, an amazing staff, and giant antlers are certainly going to make her stand out from the pack. She’ll also be attending Con Before the Storm, so make sure that you get an autograph.
I posted my 1st progress pic for Malfurion on Feb 1st. I worked on it regularly all year except for a few weeks before PhxCC when I swapped to the priest for a bit. I have more hours into this than any costume I’ve made to date. I learned so much making this. See yas at #Blizzcon
— 🌟Little Sparkz🌟 (@LittleSparkzLFG) October 23, 2018
New Troll here! Egg Sisters cosplay will be representing the Zandalari Trolls. All that gold must weigh a ton — but I’m more impressed with how high the hair is standing up.
Success! We have some tweaks we need to address but overall we are super happy how this is turning out. Can’t wait to see everyone at Blizzcon! ❤️💀#cosplay #eggsisters @warcraft @monstermakers @blizzard @ramaterials @smoothon @samhaincontactlenses @creaturecastrubber @ardawigs
— The Egg Sisters (@Egg_Sisters) October 22, 2018
Ashley Oshley is going as Lady McCree. There’s been some speculation that we’re going to be getting a McCree cinematic, so this could end up being the perfect cosplay to have come with.
McCree's hat! One piece of my cosplay is done *for the most part* while I get everything else ready in preparation for BlizzCon. Haaallppp xd
Bullets and emblem 3D printed by my beautiful friend @stooof ! She's cosplaying Brigitte for BlizzCon too! Go check her out!! 💖💜
— Fɪᴇʟᴅ Mᴀʀsʜᴀʟ Osʜʟᴇʏ (@AshleyOshley) October 11, 2018
Effekted Cosplay has an amazing Wrecking Ball cosplay. There’s no word on whether or not there’ll be a real hamster in that ball.
Painted the gun, added paint details to the body, installed a small mesh window @playoverwatch @blizzard #overwatch #cosplay #overwatchcosplay #wreckingball #hammond #wreckingballcosplay #hammondcosplay #bigcosplay #blizzcon #blizzconcosplay #blizzcon2018 #blizzcon2018cosplay
— Effekted (@effekted_) October 25, 2018
KeltonFX’s made a custom male version of Symmetra. He says this costume took 13 months of work, and I believe it. The back is motorized, there are latex molds of his face, and the whole thing is lit with LED lights.
Here’s the full reveal of my Male Symmetra costume I call “The Creator”. This was about 13 months of work from research to design and construction! The overall costume was based off of Symmetra’s Oasis, Dragon and Devi skins.
— KeltonFX (@keltoncfx) October 29, 2018
Project Ebon Blade
Project Ebon Blade was started this summer by artist Zach Fischer and Hoku Props. Working with scores of cosplayers, they designed alternate versions of major World of Warcraft characters — as Death Knights. You can expect to see more skulls then ever before! There’s too many to list them all here, but they’ll be out in force representing the Lich King.
Jessica Nigri is bringing High Inquisitor Whitemane to unlife. I’d say her chapeau looks just as good in black as it does in red.
Progress so far on my BLIZZCON crunch!! #projectebonblade
I'm time lapsing the whole thing, so you can see how I did it!
Check my instagram stories for progress updates! ❤
— ⛓🪚JESSICA⛓🪚 (@JessicaNigri) October 24, 2018
Hoku Props didn’t just help design costumes but also stepped into the role of Bolvar Fordragon, The Lich King. His cloak even lights up!
Congratulations @CaseyReneeCos on winning Grand Prize this year! Everyone brought their A game and it was an honor to get to judge everyone's amazing costumes. Thank you @TwitchCon for having me.
— HokuProps (@Hokuprops) October 28, 2018
Fallen King Wrynn is in the capable hands of HDCCosplay. Gul’dan’s touch left him a little shattered, but nothing that the Lich King couldn’t put back together.
Foam work phase 1: dunzo. Seal and paint tonight because we have drying stuff. Taking a nap then studio. Stream about 7pm central #projectebonblade #cosplay #WorldofWarcraft #Warcraft #BlizzCon2018 #blizzcon #twitch#twitchaffiliate
— HDC (@HDCfabrication) October 26, 2018
We’re sure to see plenty more at the convention itself — but do you have a favorite so far?
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