What do you regret missing out on in World of Warcraft?

Shadowlands Season 4 has ended with patch 10.0, and with it the last chance to pick up some desirable PVP and Mythic+ achievements and rewards — though not the Carcinized Zerethsteed, which is still available for a few more weeks. While doing serious PVP is out of reach for me currently, I am a little disappointed that I was not able to get one of the Gladiator Soul Eater mounts in Shadowlands. Not a huge regret, mind you, but still one I hope doesn’t start to bug me ten years from now.
My biggest regret is the Challenge Mode outfit awarded in Mists of Pandaria (that’s our old friend Bendak above, not me) — I was two gold runs away from getting it when I decided I was satisfied with just the mount reward. While I can’t say it keeps me up nights or anything, I’m a little disappointed I chose the lazy way out and gave up on something that was very achievable.
My other big miss is the Theramore Tabard from the Mists prepatch event when I was unsubscribed for a few weeks. Like the CM outfit, it’s not something I crave, but it has essentially made sure I plan and show up for every prepatch as long as I’m playing World of Warcraft. I don’t have a character that definitely wants to wear the outfits from the Primal Storm invasion events, but I can easily see kicking myself in the future if I want to go blue in that style and skipped getting it.
The one time-limited item that’s going away with Dragonflight that has me truly nervous though is the Jellycat mount from completing Fated raids on Normal on higher. I honestly don’t really like the mount, but what if it’s the perfect mount for a future toon?
What about you? Any Shadowlands PVP or Mythic+ rewards you wish you had gotten? Did you miss out on an AOTC mount or a prepatch reward from a previous expansion that you wish you could get now?
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