Does Diablo 4 have a Cow Level?

While many are still reflecting on the implications of what happens with Lilith and Inarius in Diablo 4 there are a number of franchise devotees who await the answer to a far more pressing question: is there a Cow Level? While the knee-jerk response is inevitably, “there is no Cow Level,” it’s such an important feature that it’s a fair concern whether the latest incarnation will have one.
The history of the Cow Level is an intriguing one and it’s not hard to imagine it making a return. While some would argue that the stakes are too high for such frivolity, it’s not like previous Diablos were fun little jaunts through Sanctuary and Hell. There is also the fact that it did not appear during any of the beta events however it’s possible that the requirement to access it is the same as in Diablo 2, namely having to beat the game first which could not be done during the beta.
If there is a Cow Level in Diablo 4, someone will find it
An undiscovered Cow Level is not due to lack of trying — there’s an entire Discord server dedicated to finding it, and information both in-game and available through datamining is being combed over in the hopes of discovering where the Cow Level may be. Even though the above picture may have been made as a joke, it’s actually the location of a missing cellar that was finally found during the Season of Blood. The next step likely involves the desiccated stamina potion found in the cellar — if you like to see all the steps to get here check out this guide — so experimentation continues. However, the fact that the latest steps to unlock the cellar did not become available until the start of Season 2 there’s a belief that the next step won’t be unlocked until the start of the next Season, but players will continue to look for it just in case.
This said, my expectation is that Diablo 4 players will not be able to unlock the secret Cow Level — yet. One of the lasting successes of Diablo 3 is the Season model and Diablo 4 is going to be continuing that with an expanded model that launched one month after the game. It would make sense that the Cow Level — and maybe even Whimsyshire, although that’s not as loved by the community — could return as a featured location during a future Season with all the steps unlocked at that point. This would be a great way to focus on the history of the Cow Level while also keeping the base game “serious” until then.
So to answer the question posed in the title of this article: There is no Cow Level.
For now.
Originally published June 26, 2023. Updated October 25, 2023.
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