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Discussion > Warcraft RumbleNov 2, 2023 8:00 am CT

What are your plans for Warcraft Rumble this weekend?

With all the excitement around BlizzCon 2023 it’s easy to forget that Warcraft Rumble will be going live the first day of the convention for those who don’t live in countries where it soft-launched earlier this year. While it makes sense to leverage the hype of the biggest Blizzard event of the year for its release, I wonder how much time players are going to have to actually play it over the next few weeks.

The schedule for BlizzCon is pretty full with not much free time likely between sessions, although condensing everything to one stream should mean there’s no need to go back and watch panels that were missed. Even after the event is over, though, November is a busy month. Dragonflight patch 10.2 is arriving a couple days later and is a major tier patch for World of Warcraft with a host of new activities. Season 3 starts the following week with the opening of the Amirdrassil raid, and that same week Warcraft‘s other mobile game, Hearthstone, releases the new Showdown in the Badlands expansion with new cards and new cosmetics to earn on the battle pass. Fortunately the seasons for the Diablo franchise and Overwatch 2 are well underway with no expectation of a new one beginning the first half of November (although I’m sure Overwatch 2 will have an event somewhere on the calendar). Still that’s a lot of Warcraft-related activities I have on my calendar before I even begin to think about playing Rumble.

Of course, I’ll find time to play it somehow but I won’t be able to dive into it as much as I want to because of all the other items on my plate. Hopefully by the time December rolls around my schedule will be open enough that I can give it the time it deserves.

What about you? Are you planning on jumping into Warcraft Rumble during BlizzCon? Or do you have too much else going on? And do you plan on having our “five tips” article handy while playing? I sure will!

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