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Anna Bell

Anna Bell @liopleurodonic — Anna Bell -- and yes that is her real name -- has 2 kids, a degree in English literature, and has been playing video games as long as she can remember. In addition to Blizzard's game she's also into Farm Simulator esports, and romanced Alistair in Dragon Age.

The Queue: It’s too hot

I tend to intentionally consume content that revolves around being cold — or even just definitely not hot — during the summer months. I read a lot of gothic horror, and I play games that revolve around not freezing to death. Unsurprisingly, summer’s when I usually find time to grind Wintersaber rep and the like, too. Coincidence, I’m sure.

This is The Queue, where you ask us questions and we answer — after chugging some maple syrup, eh.

The Queue: I cannot stop laughing.

Since my daughter started school, I moved from using a year-to-year day planner to a school year planner, so it rolls over at the end of June instead of in January. As such, I need to get a new one, and I’m just floored by how simultaneously optimistic and useless that seems. Day planner. Right.

This is The Queue, and I’ve penciled you in to ask questions we’ll answer.

The Queue: Too many games?

The Steam Summer Festival starts today, and I haven’t even looked through the entire 1,704 game bundle from itch.io I bought last week. I made it to about halfway through the list, found a game called Plant Daddy, wherein you literally just… grow plants, and thought that was a good stopping place to just chill for a minute. I’m pacing myself. It’s a marathon, not a sprint — much like The Queue itself.

Speaking of which, if you have questions, yo we’ll solve ’em. Ask in the comments while my DJ revolves them.

…that may be too relaxed.

The Queue: Tuesday Queuesday

You may be wondering why I’ve been emphasizing the day of the week in the Queue titles lately. It’s because time has no meaning and I’m pretty sure it was March last week.

This is The Queue, where you ask us questions, and we stop looking at our calendars with furrowed brows for just long enough to answer.

The Queue: It’s coffee o’clock

Now that summer vacation has started in earnest, I am no longer tethered to time or space. I am infinite, I stretch against the yawning chasm of space itself, I contain multitudes — and every one of those multitudes needs coffee.

This is The Queue, where you ask us questions and we supply the answers, just as soon as this cuppa kicks in.

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