Alex Ziebart
Maiev nerfed again in latest Heroes of the Storm patch notes
Heroes of the Storm released its latest balance patch today and Maiev is once again on the receiving end of the nerf bat.
We’re all Davy Jonesing for this Kul Tiran armor
Blizzard isn't being subtle with the tentacle imagery in Kul Tiran armor in Battle for Azeroth.
Dark Iron Dwarves have tough choices to make with these hair and tattoo options
Allied Race fever continues in the Battle for Azeroth alpha with Dark Iron Dwarf customization options.
Sombra nerfed in an upcoming Overwatch patch
In an Overwatch patch late last month, Sombra received a variety of buffs and general quality-of-life improvements, including a rebalancing of her ultimate and improvements to her Hack ability.
Fenix’s hero spotlight has arrived and he’s beautiful
Only yesterday did Heroes of the Storm announce StarCraft character Fenix as the next addition to its roster.
Brigitte going live in Overwatch March 20, Hanzo rework sometime in April
Update: We now have a confirmed release date for Brigitte!
How much do you need this bee mount and/or frog mount?
In the very earliest stages of Battle for Azeroth datamining, Wowhead uncovered a fuzzy bee mount, which we instantly fell in love with.
Digital pre-order bonuses finally coming to physical pre-orders in Europe
When World of Warcraft made digital pre-orders an option for new expansions, it came with an unfortunate side effect.
Heroes of the Storm hotfixes and nerfs problematic Sonya talent
The rework to Sonya in Heroes of the Storm landed last week, but was plagued by one major bug: Sonya's Tough as Nails talent could, under certain circumstances, grant her a permanent 75 Armor -- or 75% damage reduction.
Zenyatta walks and Mercy reaps in Overwatch League’s best running gag
Some of the best content coming out of the Overwatch League is the Overwatch development team's interactions with fans.