Cory Taylor
The Queue: Happy day after Valentines Day
It’s a holiday! Right after a holiday. Who planned that?
While I get to the bottom of this mystery, it’s time for — The Queue.
Stygia Crafting has been added to the patch 9.0.5 PTR
The Queue: Latest and greatest Superb Owl
How about that Super Bowl yesterday, amirite? I’m writing this before the final score has been posted so I don’t know who did or didn’t win. I hope it was your favorite team! If not, better luck next year.
While I check the scores, I take you now to — The Queue.
Celebrate Blizzard’s 30th anniversary with some gorgeous new collectibles
Ring in the Lunar New Year in style with all of these new skins in Overwatch
The Queue: Movin’ right along
Huntsman has been hunted! My guild got Mythic Huntsman last night, after a couple of em-bear-assing wipes that certainly weren’t caused by an overeager bear forgetting a Very Important Mechanic. Now that Huntsman is no more it’s time to move on to the next hardest boss in Castle Nathria checks notes — Heroic Sire Denathrius??
It turns out that the difficulty curve of Nathria is a little disjointed. Mythic Shriekwing and Mythic Huntsman are both considered easier than Denathrius. Which after having pulled him 18 times and only barely having a handle on what’s going on in his second phase — I understand why people say that. There’s so much damage going out, while he’s throwing everything and the kitchen sink at you. We haven’t even reached the final phase where the fun really begins! I’m looking forward to the satisfaction that comes when we finally dust him.
In the meantime, I take you now to — The Queue.
Blizzard makes it easier for alts to access Torghast
The Queue: It begins!
Shriekwing? More like Death-wing, amirite? Wait…
My raid just got our first Mythic Shriekwing kill and it feels pretty great. We’ve spent maybe a little more time in lower difficulties getting gear than we necessarily needed, but now we’re getting some real progress! After Shriek we went and took a look at the Huntsman and his Dogs, and they wound up taking us for a walk. I think we’ll be able to get it with a bit more practice, but it was nice seeing that it wasn’t a gigantic step up in difficulty from Shriek. The funniest part to me is that both Mythic Shriekwing and Huntsman are supposedly easier than Heroic Denathrius. So we’ve started in on Mythic without putting the final nail in his coffin.
While I read up on some strategies for the next few bosses, it’s time for — The Queue.
The Queue: Chaddius!
We are the Chaddius. You will be assimilated. You will be provided with a nice pool to relax at, and a pair of kickin’ sunglasses.
Resistance is futile.