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Liz Patt

Liz Patt @lizexmachina — Liz is a collection of cat gifs and coffee masquerading as a person. She tried to escape World of Warcraft multiple times, but it kept calling her back with its siren song. Liz now plays every Blizzard title she can get her hands on and plans to sleep someday. She is owned by three cats who resent all time she spends playing games instead of petting them.

To all the brews I’ve loved before: A sample of the silliest suds in Azeroth

Welcome to Brewfest 2020, Azeroth's annual celebration of the "fermented fruits of the harvest!" Running through October 6, Brewfest is World of Warcraft's homage to Oktoberfest, which we celebrate in-game by tossing kegs, racing rams, and of course, the classic "kill someone for something shiny." But why settle for only 17 days of celebration?

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