Phil Xavier
When is the next Hearthstone expansion release date? Titans is live now!
The next Hearthstone expansion, Titans, releases August 1 -- that's today!
If Demon Hunters got a third spec, what do you think it should be?
As you're likely aware by now, the Evoker class in World of Warcraft got a third spec, Augmentation, in Dragonflight patch 10.1.5 — leaving Demon Hunters behind as the only class in the game with no more than two specs, despite having been added years earlier.
Earn up to two Hearthstone Titans card packs with Twitch drops from July 26 to July 27. Now live!
You can earn the up to two Hearthstone card packs for the upcoming Titans expansion by watching Hearthstone on Twitch from July 26, 9:00 a.m.
Drop whatever you’re doing to do your class quests in Diablo 4 when you get them
With Diablo 4 Season 1 just getting started, it's time for a reminder.
What are you playing in Diablo 4’s Season of the Malignant?
These days, Diablo games are Seasonal.
The Midsummer Fire Festival event is now live in Hearthstone with many rewards, and Quests are back to Battlegrounds
The Midsummer Fire Festival has returned to Hearthstone, and brought Quests back to Battlegrounds with it!
Which Blizzard characters would be the best and worst to have as your GPS voice?
In a discussion on the Diablo channel of our Discord server, our own Anna Bell suggested that she would like to have Diablo 4 main antagonist Lilith as her GPS voice.
Vote for your favorite Hearthstone Titan for a chance to win free packs (or Sargeras with the rest of us to rig the vote)
Hearthstone is having a competition of sorts among its eleven Titans, and it's up to you to decide who stands triumphant among them...
Which features do you like to see on game remakes? Which games would you like to see remade?
Game remakes are a trend as of late, but just how much of a game gets changed in its new version seems to vary a lot from title to title.
Earn up to six Hearthstone packs in the Twist – A New Age event, now live
A new event is now live in Hearthstone: it's called Twist - A New Age, and you can earn up to six card packs by playing games in the new Twist mode.