Phil Xavier
The ‘Stealth’ keyword is finally making its way to Hearthstone Battlegrounds
One of the few basic keywords from constructed Hearthstone that still hadn't made its way to Battlegrounds was Stealth — but that's about to change.
Hearthstone Battlegrounds is getting in-game Quests, along with new heroes and minions
Hearthstone Battlegrounds Season 2 is about to begin, and it's adding a brand-new gameplay system with it, in the form of Quests.
Hearthstone Battlegrounds gets its own progression system, a Season Pass, and Legendary cosmetics
Hearthstone Battlegrounds is about to get many new features for its Season 2, including its own exclusive progression system.
What do you think about subscriptions, Season Passes, and other types of “live service” monetization?
We've recently learned that Diablo 4 will feature Seasons, much like Diablo 3.
Hearthstone patch 24.0.3 brings impactful balance changes to Constructed and Battlegrounds
A pretty substantial balance patch is hitting the Hearthstone servers today, promising to make things more balanced in Constructed and Battlegrounds.
As Grease Bot is removed from Hearthstone Battlegrounds, Chromawing and Ysera carry Dragons to the top of the meta
Hearthstone Battlegrounds has an ever-shifting meta, and sometimes the unlikeliest strategies emerge as soon as a previous menace is taken down -- and that's exactly what's going on right now.
How do you keep track of your characters?
Some of us love spreadsheets, and we may even use them to keep track of their World of Warcraft characters.
How to play as Heistbaron Togwaggle in Hearthstone Battlegrounds
The newest hero introduced to Hearthstone Battlegrounds, Heistbaron Togwaggle, is a very unique one — his power level is high, but he's not trivial to play.
The 9 most interesting cards coming in Hearthstone’s Murder at Castle Nathria expansion
A new Hearthstone expansion means a new batch of interesting mechanics and flavorful cards, and Murder at Castle Nathria is certainly no exception.
How much do lore, fantasy, and gameplay influence your class choices?
Do you ever find yourself thinking, "I love the fantasy for this class, but I don't like playing it?" Or, perhaps, it's the other way around: Is there a class that you love to play, but you don't really connect with lore-wise?