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Mitch —

The Queue: In the mountains…

I took a nice, relaxing weekend in the Smoky Mountains with the partner and some friends, inclusive of a long and at times terrifying hike up one of said mountains. It was awesome! Nature is pretty freaking rad, and the views were incredible. But you know what I couldn’t get out of my head the entire time?

Thorim’s dang “In the mountains…” line. It’s seared into my brain. Forever and ever, permanently associated with anything mountain-related. I am cursed.

Anyhow, this isn’t about that. This is about you.

And The Queue.

The Queue: Shadow’s heart

Happy Wednesday, everyone! Yours truly is about to take a very extended weekend in the mountains, which means a couple days away from my latest obsession: Wooing Shadowheart in Baldur’s Gate 3. It’ll be exciting! But I’ll miss you, Shadowheart.

Anyhow, this is The Queue, where we provide As to your Queuestions. Let’s get started.

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