Diablo 4
Where did Sanctuary come from?
In Diablo 4, more so than any other game in the series, the world in which the Diablo universe is set, Sanctuary, is almost a character with a full backstory and personality all its own.
What are World Tiers in Diablo 4? What tier should I choose for leveling?
Since the earliest incarnations of Diablo, the game has had some kind of difficulty level that the player can select to increase the challenge of the game, and in Diablo 4, you set your difficulty by selecting a World Tier.
How to get and use mounts in Diablo 4
Diablo 4 is the first game in the series to feature mounts, so you might be wondering: how do I get and use mounts in the game?
What happens when you skip the campaign on a new character in Diablo 4? Which features are account-wide?
Much like its predecessor, Diablo 4 allows you to skip having to repeat the whole campaign on new characters — provided you've completed it at least once before.
Questing for the Tree of Whispers at endgame in Diablo 4
After completing the Campaign and Epilogue in Diablo 4 you'll be directed to several quests in order to open up endgame activities even if you've yet to reach level 50.
Getting started with pet classes in Diablo 4
Diablo 4 features two pet-empowered classes at release: the Necromancer with their undead Minions, and the Druid with their Companions.
How to get started with the Druid in Diablo 4
The Druid is the master of shapeshifting and the wielder of natural forces in the Diablo franchise.
Which Enchantments should I use on my Sorcerer in Diablo 4?
In Diablo 4, each class has a special feature that is exclusive to it, and for the Sorcerer, that feature comes in the form of two Enchantment slots, which allow them to turn their active spells into passive ones.
How to get started with the Sorcerer in Diablo 4
The Sorcerer class in Diablo 4 is a spellcaster specialized in lightning, fire, and frost magic, usually flung at enemies from a distance.
How to use Weapon Expertise and the Arsenal System for Barbarians in Diablo 4
Barbarians in Diablo 4 are the game's only pure melee class.