When will Diablo 3 Season 22 start? November 20!
Bugs in Diablo's patch 2.6.10 PTR meant Season 21 was extended — and Season 22 is running later than anyone expected.
What are your favorite (and least favorite) Acts in Diablo 3?
After so many years, Diablo 3 players have spent a lot of time grinding out Adventure Mode tasks.
When will Diablo 3 Season 21 end? November 8th!
Diablo 3 Season 21 began on July 3rd, and it now appears that we're looking at an end date of November 8 for this notably lengthy Season.
Diablo Immortal is really, finally, actually going into public regional testing soon
So, if you're like me, you've been watching the Diablo Immortal process over the past two years with mingled trepidation and confusion.
Diablo 3 PTR extended to hammer out login and latency issues
The Diablo 3 PTR has been up and testing patch 2.6.10 and Season 22 for the past two weeks, but there's been a complication, and the PTR has been extended indefinitely to help find and resolve issues with higher than normal latency and some problems with people logging in to the game as well.
Could a Diablo-like skill rune system work in WoW?
Sometimes you ask a question and you want to answer it immediately, precisely and concisely.
6 Kanai’s Cube power combos we love experimenting with in Diablo 3
I have played hundreds of hours of Diablo 3, and even though I have several characters garbed in their full six-item set resplendence, I still return to them because of Kanai's Cube.
What do you think the endgame progression system should look like in Diablo 4?
Another quarter, another Quarterly Update from the Diablo 4 development team.
What would you like to see for unique class mechanics in Diablo 4?
We know that Diablo 4 is going to have some unique mechanics for each class, which is pretty awesome -- the Arsenal system for Barbarians allows them to switch between a massive two-handed club, a sword, even two weapons based on the situation, while the upcoming Enchantment system for Sorceress characters lets them place certain skills in a special Enchantment slot and transform an active skill into a passive proc.
Diablo 4 definitely needs to have a secret cow level
The cow level is a lie.