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The Queue

The Queue: Sprung

I can be a little strange living in a place where your climate is just a tad ahead of everyone else’s. I’m starting to see posts from friends and family in Upstate New York talking about how it’s almost spring and they’re so excited, lots of discussion about the upcoming Rochester Lilac Festival, marking the true beginning of spring. Meanwhile, I’m over here already breaking out the shorts, booking summer camps, and battling mosquitos.

On the flip side, it does make me feel oddly on the ball and prepared. Maybe I should try to schedule things a few months in advance more often.

This is The Queue, where you ask us questions and we’ll answer in a timely fashion.

The Queue: Fresh never frozen

He’s ground beef! Get it?!

We have our Mythic Kurogg kill and with that, we’ve gotten 5/8 of Vault down on Mythic!! This was a tough one to finally crack. We couldn’t lose two people before the final elemental phase, or we’d not have the damage to get through it. There were four or five sub-five percent wipes tonight; each one could’ve been a kill if not for avoidable mistakes in that final burn. Still, we have him down now and there was much rejoicing!

We’re unlikely to move to try and kill Mythic Dathea as even Cutting Edge guilds have said that they dread reclearing her — especially with only a pair of raid nights left in this patch. But I consider this a great success for my scrappy little two-night-a-week team!

While I pat all of my raiders on the back again for our excellent, totally clean, and certainly not both tanks dead for the last 2% kill, it’s time for — The Queue!

The Queue: Queue-cheus

Sometimes we Queue writers get accused of favoritism because we answer questions from specific people. In this case, it’s simply because nobody else really had questions today. That’s totally fine, but it can kinda put us in a slightly weird spot. However, since it gives me a chance to reuse this adorable header photo, I’m okay with it.

This is The Queue, where you ask us questions, hopefully, because if not this is what you get.

The Queue: Friday again?

Really, I don’t know how this keeps happening. I joke that time is an illusion, but I at least wish it could be a consistent illusion — I’m positive it was Monday just yesterday, and now it’s Friday! How’s anybody supposed to keep track when time twists around however it wants? Hmph.

But since it is, seemingly, Friday, let’s get to the Queue.

The Queue: Bisexual Old God

Hello and happy Wednesday, Queuemans! Today’s title and header image are inspired by our first question, which maybe dives sliiiiiightly into 10.1 spoiler territory. If you’d like to go into the patch or raid with zero knowledge, go ahead and skip the first Q&A — otherwise…

…Let’s Queue.

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