BlizzCaps: The beta blues
Today's screenshot, from submitter Lib Feathers, dates back to the Warlords of Draenor beta.
BlizzCaps: Watch your step
We'd tell you to watch that last step, but apparently it's a little too late.
Encrypted Text: Answering your questions about Rogues in Legion
While we wait for the first new Legion alpha build of the new year (fingers crossed for playable Assassination and Subtlety specs!), how's about we take a column to catch up with each other, fellow roguelings?
BlizzCaps: All I wanted was some fireworks
Jakeinator on Twitter sent in today's news report with live footage of an altercation in front of the Dalaran bank.
Webcomic Wrapup: Time for a beach vacation
Can’t keep up with all of the great WoW-centric (and WoW-adjacent) webcomics out there?
BlizzCaps: The roof, the roof, the roof is on fire
"Now, I'm not saying we set the house on fire on purpose," prevaricates submitter Epicurian of Spectacular Death on Llane (US-A).
Hello, Cataclysm: WoW Leveling Bonanza Episode 35
It was a long, tough climb, but we managed to close out both Wrath of the Lich King and 2015 at the same time on our leveling stream.
BlizzCaps: The dating game
Submitter Zadji of Pirate Scum on Suramar (US-A) writes, "Some people say the Queen of the Black Dragonflight would never be interested in dating a skeletal, reanimated orc.
The Warrior’s Charge: Arms in Legion
Talking about Arms in Legion right now is hard because it wasn't live when the Alpha went down, so all we're left with is datamined information like the talent calculator.
Waste the rest of your day with Wowhead’s wardrobe tool
You've been warned: if you click on this link to Wowhead's quest wardrobe tool, the rest of your day is probably gone.