BlizzCaps: Spies like us
Submitter Tereza Blackthorne of the Queue on Nesingwary (US-A) surreptitiously recorded this conversation with Prince Anduin.
Totem Talk: Skills we’re waving farewell to as Enhancement in Legion
If you log in to play your Enhancement Shaman today, you have dead abilities on your bar.
Hopping to Hyjal in today’s WoW livestream on Twitch at 2 p.m. CST
We've almost wrapped up our work in Northrend.
BlizzCaps: Didn’t we shamble
Submitter Corin of Pocket Apocalypse on Shadowsong (US-A) knows you need to keep your Army of the Dead happy, and there's nothing the shambling undead enjoy more than a nice day out at the park!
Lightsworn: Finding a place for Protection Paladins in Legion PVP
Because there is still nothing really new under the sun to discuss about Protection Paladins in Legion, I am going to talk about something today that I have never written about in this space: PVP. Forgive me for the outsider’s perspective here and the intrusion into a facet of the game to which I am hopelessly out of my depth, but Legion appears to be poised to do something really interesting for Protection Paladins (and all tanks, really): give them a means of meaningfully participating in PVP.
BlizzCaps: It doesn’t matter what you wear just as long as you are there
Submitter Jton of Band of Gypsys on Alexstrasza (US-A) writes, "After taking part in the Wowhead holiday contest, I decided to go find the Mesmerizing Fruit Hat. Once I got back to my garrison, I tried to put together a Carmen Miranda outfit to get into the spirit.
World of Warcraft: Legion alpha to return with new build, new content
After a holiday break and the arrival of a new year, Blizzard has returned to their offices and with their return, the trickle of information has started again.
BlizzCaps: Gronnlings in the mist
Submitter Vinsanity of the Queue on Nagrand (US-A) is one of Azeroth's foremost anthropologists.
Legendary ring upgrades now available to purchase with Valor Points
It looks like Blizzard had a leftover present they forgot to give players during Winter Veil.
Lightsworn: Leveling as a Holy Paladin in Legion It's official: Blizzard wants healers to be able to quest in their healing specs in Legion.