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World of Warcraft hotfixes for September 2

A small set of patch 6.2.2 hotfixes have been released and posted to the official blog.  It's a short list, but PVP should take note that winning an Arena Skirmish match will now reward you with 40 Honor Points and 25 Conquest Points, up from 20 Honor Points -- and Mercenary Mode should now only be available to level 100 characters, although this hotfix is still currently listed as in testing.

Lightsworn: Tanking tips and strategies for the bosses of Destructor’s Rise

Like hiking a serious mountain, we’ve now breached the alpine zone and have the peak in sight. And much like how the air thins out at this point in the climb, so does the quantity of Orcs we have to suffer. Archimonde awaits just over the crest, but first we must throw down his vanguard: Zakuun, the torturer of Grommash Hellscream; Xhul’horac, a malevolent being from the void; and the reanimated vengeance of Mannoroth, who is essentially the Washington Generals of the Burning Legion.

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