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BlizzCaps: I’ve just seen a face I can’t forget

Today's submitter writes, "When I went to greet the newest member of my guild, we were both quite surprised and disturbed to discover that we had more in common than race, class and specialization." After recovering from their initial shock, Ashoká and Pallaas of The Endless Shadows on Wyrmrest Accord (US-A) had some frank conversations with their respective mothers, and learned about the charismatic young draenei paladin who frequented the bars of Argus so many years ago. They hadn't only gained a guildmate ... they'd found a brother.

Webcomic Wrapup: Okay, Taylor Swift!

Can’t keep up with all of the great WoW-centric (and WoW-adjacent) webcomics out there? We’re rounding up the latest editions of your favorites here so you can catch up on the week all in one place. Do you have a favorite webcomic that focuses on WoW or any other Blizzard games? Tell us about it in the comments!

BlizzCaps: The rainbow connection

After the events of the past few days, you might feel a little bit rainbowed out. If so, I sympathize -- with a toddler who is constantly yelling "RED ORANGE YELLOW GREEN BLUE IN-DEE-GO VI-LET" in the house, I've been getting a headache every time I check Facebook. But submitter Arugadh of Deep Forest Caravan on Wyrmrest Accord (US-A) isn't suffering from chromatic fatigue quite yet, and she used a trinket to express her joy. Well ... maybe I could stand a few more rainbows. But I draw the line at gnomes with pink pigtails. No more!

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