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The Queue: I’m still a bear


Still a bear over here. Amazingly that hasn’t changed in the few days since we last saw each other. Look if Warcraft wanted me to be something else than they shouldn’t have made bear an option. Laying waste to my enemies with the raw power of 600 pounds of bear fury just is so much better than any of the other options. Warlocks and Hunters don’t even do most of their own fighting! They’re just delivery vectors for their pets.

Bear wins!

While I put another best class trophy up on my mantle, it’s time for — The Queue!

The Queue: I’m a bear


It’s almost a little rude Liz, bears say other things than rar and rawr. Like Fozzie, he tells jokes!

For example, what do you call a cow that just gave birth?


While I give you a moment to recover from your side-splitting laughter, it’s time for — The Queue!

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