Search Results For: Revendreth
What did you think of the finale of your Covenant Campaign?
If you managed to get your Renown to 22, then you doubtless finished your Covenant Campaign and have gotten your rewards -- such as an awesome mount, an LFR-level weapon (useful for those of us to whom the RNG has not been kind), and of course the satisfaction of some awesome cinematics.
What “bon mots” — witty remarks and one-offs — in Shadowlands have you squealing with glee?
A "bon mot" is a witty remark, clever saying, or witticism.
Race to World First: Denathrius lives, for now
It's been eight days since Castle Nathria opened and the lord of the Castle still reigns supreme.
Covenants, the cause of and solution to all of my problems
Now that I have two characters at 60 and have started catching up on Renown -- level 6 today yay -- I'm really coming to realize I had absolutely no idea what I was doing when it came to getting my Covenant systems in place.
What sort of afterlife or Covenant would you add to WoW: Shadowlands?
Shadowlands (the expansion) gave us only a small handful of different afterlives to experience -- in very broad terms, we have Bastion for noble folk, Maldraxxus for soldiers and fighters, Ardenweald for the nature lovers among us, and Revendreth for the just-barely-good-enough baddies who need to atone for what they did in life.
What has Shadowlands learned from previous expansions?
Every expansion attempts to learn from the previous expansions.
All the Shadowlands 5-man dungeon bosses in 5 seconds: your cheat sheet of stuff to not stand in
A brand-new expansion, and with it, a brand-new opportunity for other players to ruin your day!
What’s your favorite new mount in Shadowlands?
There are a lot of new mounts in Shadowlands.
Blizzard just changed the best way to level alts in Shadowlands
Which is the best way to level an alt in Shadowlands?
How does Threads of Fate work to level alts in Shadowlands? Should you use it?
Your first character has entered the Shadowlands, completed the Campaign, chose their Covenant, and started progressing the Covenant Campaign.