Search Results For: WoW Token
Pet Battle trainers, spawns, and PVP
From the quirky mechanics to the hundreds of pets, there are a lot of questions our readers have about pet battles. Some might not be addressed in longer articles, so this week I'm doing a Q&A column.
How to get started with gold-making in World of Warcraft
There’s no two ways about it: getting ahead in WoW costs serious coin, which can be tricky to gather, especially if you’re just getting started. We'll help you out, whether you're level 1 or level 100.
Breakfast Topic: How many garrison resources do you have?
I have a few characters I play fairly casually, lined up with several scavengers. Those toons have all been riding the resource cap for months. My main is in pretty rough shape, though.
Last week on Blizzard Watch: Patch 6.2 hits the PTR
Our weekly recap is generally published early Tuesday morning, but the surprise arrival of patch 6.2 on the PTR threw a wrench in the works.
World of Warcraft hotfixes for April 10
A small set of hotfixes for patch 6.1.2 have been released just in time for the weekend. In this short release, some changes have been made to the way in which the Conquest catch-up cap behaves, as discussed earlier this week.
Breakfast Topic: Will you trade gametime for gold (or vice versa)?
Are you planning on buying gametime for gold in WoW when you get the option?
Last week on Blizzard Watch: PAX East hype
Though Heroes of the Storm has been oddly quiet, both Hearthstone and Overwatch have been receiving their share of PAX East hype.
Turbulent Timeways returns for seven weeks of Timewalking dungeons, plus the new Timely Buzzbee mount!
While we wait for The War Within patch 11.1, the WoW developers continue to give us a steady stream of content with the return of the Turbulent Timeways.
Blizzard Watch Weekly: New Year, Same Ol Us
I am resolutely getting back into the swing of things, which includes actually reading all the stuff we publish every week, apparently?
What is your favorite type of holiday event?
Some holiday events are big and flashy and take over major cities or entire games, with tons of stuff to collect -- and potentially miss out on -- while other games acknowledge a season with some small, forgettable token.