Video guide to Legion’s new battle pet models
Though World of Warcraft has received some graphical overhauls over the year, parts of the original game remain extremely polygon-y — particularly classic-era battle pets.
Breakfast Topic: How much does the Legion alpha matter to you?
The Legion alpha is in full swing which means we're getting tons of data about this expansion to be.
Totem Talk: Elemental’s Artifact upgrades with Fist of Ra’Den
The Legion alpha is starting to pick up steam as it moves along, with more information is trickling out as testing progresses.
Lightsworn: Examining the Holy Paladin artifact traits
With the Legion Alpha well underway, it seems like we're seeing more and more information about our snazzy new artifact weapons every day.
Know Your Lore: Hunter Artifact lore in Legion
For Hunters, currently in the Legion Alpha you can only play as Survival, so I haven't had much direct hands on experience with the quests to gain the Marksman and Beast Mastery Artifacts.
Arcane Sanctum: Changes to Arcane talents in Legion Alpha
Now that the Legion alpha is available, we’re getting new information all the time.
Encrypted Text: First glimpse of the Outlaw Rogue in Legion
Hide your valuables: The Outlaws are coming.
Role Play: Plot points headed into Legion
This expansion has been just a little strange for roleplayers -- not in the sense of roleplay opportunities, there's certainly been plenty of that, but in terms of plot points -- where the story is leading.
Blood Pact: Affliction’s Legion Artifact and Warlock class hall
I've learned from Kanrethad and tried to pick the least spoilery header image I could find; this is it.
Breakfast Topic: So many demons
I have to say, one of the things I like about Legion is that all the demons we're fighting aren't also a playable race in one of the factions.