You won’t bee-lieve how adorable this Alliance-only pet is
Don't look now, Alliance players -- you might have missed a perfectly adorable pet out in Stormsong Valley.
Become a faithful sockpuppet of the Old Gods with this odd hidden toy
Have you ever been fighting the unspeakable horrors of the Old Gods in a dungeon or raid and quietly thought to yourself, "You know, it sure would be keen to fight on their side?" Well now you can -- and you don't have to be a Shadow Priest to do it.
What are your priorities when you hit max level?
I feel like hitting 110 was a lot less confusing than hitting level 120.
How’s patch 8.0 treating you so far?
My addons are broken.
What kind of prep are you doing for Battle for Azeroth?
I've been quietly farming different pets, mounts, and toys over the past couple of weeks.
Surprise! The Group Finder is for finding groups, so Blizzard is banning Group Finder ads
Blizzard is cracking down on advertising in the Group Finder tool.
What’s keeping you busy in WoW?
I'm a headmistress now -- who knew all you had to do for a promotion was beat someone up?
Battle for Azeroth has its own Pathfinder achievement for flying (eventually)
What you need to do before the end of Legion
The cat's out of the bag: Battle for Azeroth will be releasing on August 14, a little over four months from now.
Have you paid your respects to a Baneling today?
StarCraft is celebrating its 20th anniversary, and the festivities have finally caught up to World of Warcraft.