Watch the new Alleria: Light and Shadow animated short and punch your ticket for the The War Within hype train
With The War Within's release date rapidly closing in on us, the World of Warcraft team has been pushing little teasers and images and rundowns to pique our collective appetite for the upcoming expansion, and Alleria: Light and Shadow may be the pinnacle.
You might not have recognized her, but the elf lady featured in The War Within is Alleria Windrunner
No, seriously: over the past few months we've seen a lot of people wondering who the heck this elf lady is — people don't seem to recognize her as Alleria Windrunner.
The Queue: Jaina, Vanessa, and Alleria walk into a bar
Greetings, Queue! It’s a nice day for a drink, or for slaying demons. And I’m all out of demons!
Meet the major players of World of Warcraft: The War Within’s story
The first two trailers for World of Warcraft: The War Within kick off with quite a bang, introducing us to several of the expansion's power players -- including ones who are technically still absent, who we haven't seen in a while, or who've just gotten a serious glow-up.
Know Your Lore, Tinfoil Hat Edition: The Light, the Void, and Sylvanas Windrunner
Is there anything left of Sylvanas Windrunner?
Know Your Lore: The uneasy reign of Warchief Sylvanas Windrunner
I read Before the Storm and, without giving spoilers, I have a feeling about the next expansion.
New Battle for Azeroth comic reunites all three Windrunner sisters at last
It's about time the Windrunners had a reunion, don't you think?
Know Your Lore: Fate of the shattered sin’dorei
The situation in Silvermoon is… interesting, to say the least.
Know Your Lore: The Void Elves
Now that Allied Races have arrived on the scene, new alliances have been formed -- although not quite as expected.
Know Your Lore: The Windrunner sisters
Nothing forms a bond quite like family.