Artifact Weapons
Locked and Loaded: Hunter Artifact weapons allow you to dual wield pets and more
Artifact weapons are, without a doubt, my most anticipated feature in Legion.
Know Your Lore: Demon Hunter Artifact lore in Legion
Because there are only two Demon Hunter specs, there are only two Demon Hunter artifacts.
Plaguebearer: AOE damage for Death Knights in Legion
This article has been in the making for some time.
The Warrior’s Charge: Fury talents in Legion
So I've gotten to play around with the two available Warrior specs in the Legion alpha, Fury and Protection.
Totem Talk: Elemental’s Artifact upgrades with Fist of Ra’Den
The Legion alpha is starting to pick up steam as it moves along, with more information is trickling out as testing progresses.
Lightsworn: Examining the Holy Paladin artifact traits
With the Legion Alpha well underway, it seems like we're seeing more and more information about our snazzy new artifact weapons every day.
Know Your Lore: Warlock Artifact lore in Legion
When it comes to new weapons in Legion, the Warlock Artifact lore we've been given stands in a strange place -- but then, so do Warlocks.
New Legion beta build highlights maps, ability changes, and bacon
A new build has been pushed to the Legion alpha servers today and with it comes a raft of changes.
Know Your Lore: Death Knight Artifact lore in Legion
What does Death Knight Artifact lore tell us?
Totem Talk: Shaman Elemental and Restoration Artifact weapons
In the upcoming Legion expansion, one of the new features is the Artifact, a weapon steeped in lore that gains power not only as you level, but also as you spend time questing and completing goals even after you reach the max level.