How should World of Warcraft bring back progression as a gameplay mode (à la Warfronts)?
One of the most popular stories you'll hear from the earliest World of Warcraft players is how Alterac Valley battleground matches could last many hours, with players leaving for meals or classes and then returning to find the same match going.
What’s the best part of patch 8.2 you’ve seen so far?
Never having to ride that freaking water strider again! Never again! Die you accursed water bug! Ahem.
Patch 7.1 adds Quick Join feature
One of the things that's more important than ever in Legion is being able to find a group.
Lightsworn: A beginner’s guide to Holy Paladin PVP and Ashran
Now that Warlords of Draenor has entered its final months, players have begun searching for new goals to pursue in-game.
Patch 6.2.2 PTR patch notes updated
The patch notes for World of Warcraft patch 6.2.2 have been updated with plenty of new information -- previously, all we had was a brief summary of the upcoming PVP Mercenary Mode, and flight on Draenor.
PVP mercenary mode explored on 6.2.1 PTR
A couple of new complementary PVP mechanics are coming in patch 6.2.1 to hopefully alleviate some wait time issues with PVP in non-ranked battlegrounds and Ashran.
Mercenary Mode coming soon to WoW PVP
Long queue times have been a long-standing problem for PVP players, generally attributed to faction imbalance on servers and in Battlegroups.
CM Lore responds to complaints about RNG PVP gear
RNG stands for 'random number generator' and, in this case, it basically means random stats on gear.