Corrupted Gear
I’m going to miss Corruption
With the release of the Shadowlands pre-patch coming on October 13th all of our carefully collected Corrupted gear will be going away.
Corruption is going away in 9.0, but Azerite Armor and Essences will stick around
Corruption was the major gameplay system added to bring more depth and choices to itemization in Battle for Azeroth's patch 8.3, and it's seen a lot of updates, hotfixes, and changes since it went live.
How to manage Corrupted gear for your undergeared alts
Whether you're just coming back to World of Warcraft for patch 8.3, or you've been playing for a while and you just decided to get your alts up to speed with the gear options like Old God Assaults, one thing you may not really be prepared for is just how quickly Corruption can get out of hand.
Blizzard updates targeted Corruption to work for previously cleansed items, and now, not just new ones
It can be a little hard to keep up with changes to the targeted Corruption system Blizzard added this week, but this particular change is definitely worth being aware of -- previously, it was impossible for the system to allow you to cleanse a previously Corrupted item and then add the Preserved Contaminant of your choice back to that item.
New catch-up mechanics let you buy the Corruption you want and upgrade your cloak faster
Starting this week, you'll be able to buy specific types of Corruption to apply to gear, removing the randomness from the system — and making it a lot easier for new 120s to gear up.
Horrific Visions will be your number one source for corrupted gear next week
N'Zoth has heard your pleas.
Blizzard keeps nerfing corruption affixes right after I get them, including yesterday’s hotfixes
My Guardian Druid finally got his hands on a piece of gear with Twilight Devastation.
How to manage your Corruption in patch 8.3 and hug your inner tentacle beast before it hugs you
It's easy to fall into the mindset that all Corrupted gear is a detriment to you by default, and you should therefore be avoiding it like the plague -- but that's not the best way to approach the system.
What would you like to see Blizzard do with a Corruption-style system?
World of Warcraft has a tendency to do iterative design, which is to say, design elements from one expansion can be reworked and made part of the next expansion.
Why I’ve decided N’Zoth isn’t all bad and embraced Corrupted gear
I am simultaneously terrified of and intrigued by Corrupted gear in World of Warcraft.