Demon Hunters
Spectral Insight: Vengeance Demon Hunter talents
Demon Hunters continually undergo changes in the Legion beta, and Vengeance talents have been no exception.
Breakfast Topic: Are Demon Hunters the last class WoW should add?
It's no secret that some Warlocks are pretty unhappy about the addition of Demon Hunters to WoW.
Spectral Insight: Havoc and Vengeance Demon Hunter Artifact talents
With the recent addition of Artifact Knowledge as a way to fill out multiple specs' Artifact trees, now seems like a great time to take a look at just what said trees have in store for both Demon Hunter specs come Legion.
World of Warcraft: Illidan tells a tale we’ve been waiting to hear
World of Warcraft: Illidan released yesterday, and let's get one thing straight right away: This isn't a bridge novel for Legion.
Spectral Insight: Havoc and Vengeance Demon Hunter playstyle overview
The alpha realms have been updated and re-updated since the last time we talked about Demon Hunters, and there have been changes aplenty for WoW's newest class.
Spectral Insight: Demon Hunters from Mardum to the Broken Isles
Welcome to our new monthly Demon Hunter column, Spectral Insight.
Breakfast Topic: Do we have too many classes?
This is one that I've been wondering since the introduction of Death Knights, really.
Havoc Demon Hunters receive (nearly) full talent tree in latest Legion alpha build
Sometimes "Soon" means "Soon™," other times it actually means soon.
The Warrior’s Charge: How class balance changes
When we first got the news about Legion, I wrote this post and I said in it that Demon Hunters weren't taking our jobs.
Jonathan LeCraft talks class overhauls, new transmog system at DragonCon
Well, in case you don't know, it's DragonCon weekend, and there's a World of Warcraft panel going on.