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Know Your Lore: The Burning Hells

From this whirling nightmare, this bloated ruin of the first evil's corpse crawled the demons. The Burning Hells could in a real sense be said to be the blackened corpse of Tathemet itself, and at the center of the Hells lies the Black Abyss, from which rose the Great Evils. Essentially birthed from the seven heads of Tathemet, there were the three Primes -- Mephisto, Baal and Diablo -- and the four Lessers.

Breakfast Topic: Expanding the WoW Token

I wrote a post about the WoW Token, and the comments had some interesting ideas. One of them was that we could expand what the token does - you could extend the token or make a new token for things like character transfers, race changes, faction transfers and so on. Allowing people to use their in-game gold more flexibly and allowing people to select the kind of services they spent their real life money to trade in, especially after the initial burst of token activity is over and most people that are going to do it have bought game time.

The History of the Diablo’s Nephalem

Despite the presence of Uldyssian and his followers, it was merely a chapter, a small one in a saga that links us from the creation of the world of Sanctuary to the present day. One cannot discuss the Sin War without discussing nephalem, for in a way, the nephalem are far more important to the cosmos than Sanctuary, Inarius or Lilith. More important than the Archangels or Prime Evils.

The Queue: Starting Over

Hi. Welcome to The Queue, where Blizzard Watch answers your questions. Today The Queue is under the control of Matthew Rossi (@matthewwrossi) and here we go.

So last night was my first Blackrock Foundry run, assuming you don’t count LFR (which I’m not) and it was interesting. My DPS went from really bad to sorta okay once I got two Taner’s Terrible Spine‘s off of Gruul. Expect a warrior column about raiding as Single-Minded Fury soon. It’s definitely interesting to gear switch from the days of 25 man heroic raiding to the new normal/heroic flex system – I doubt I’ll even look at mythic this expansion, and I’m fine with that. Getting my alt (who I guess is now my main?) geared up for raiding and getting him into BRF was interesting, it feels a lot like I just started playing WoW after a long break, although I didn’t actually take much of a break.

Anyway, on to your questions.


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