What’s new in Hallow’s End 2015
Hallow's End has returned and with it all new rewards.
Garrisons: A Look Back
I've said this before and I'll say it again -- whatever your feelings on Garrisons are, you have to admit it was an extremely robust and well-designed feature.
Garrison bodyguards 101
I admit, I spent a long time thinking the bodyguards you could get from your garrison’s Barracks were stupid, even useless.
Breakfast Topic: How risky are you?
I am the least risky person when it comes to garrison missions.
Getting started with the garrison shipyard and finding oil
Patch 6.2 is here, which means it's time to build up your own garrison shipyard: which means gathering garrison resources and hunting for a new one: oil.
Breakfast Topic: Would you like more Garrison personalization?
I may be in the minority, but I'd happily trade in some of the rewards from Garrisons just to have a Garrison that felt a little more distinct for me...
Draenor’s content problem — desire vs. reward
There is in fact a reasonable amount of stuff to do at max level. So how come it doesn't feel like there is? Why do I, and so many other players, feel disconnected from the world that I just demonstrated is available to us? I think there are two basic problems at max level right now.
WoW Lead Game Designer Ion Hazzikostas discusses subscription loss with VentureBeat
In the midst of large banwaves and the announcement of lost subscriptions, VentureBeat recently published an interview with Ion "Watcher" Hazzikostas.
World of Warcraft and minigame micromanagement
I'm on record, when we saw the introduction of pet battles, as saying 'Well, this isn't content I care about, but it's good for people who like it' because pet battles are utterly optional. The various rewards you get for pet battles only affect the pet battle minigame itself - stones and other rewards that affect the pets and how they level. There's never a reason to play pet battles if you don't enjoy the gameplay - you're never forced to do it, nor do you even feel forced to. I can say this having utterly ignored pet battles since their introduction.
Breakfast Topic: Do you have any monuments in your garrison?
Do you have any monuments in your garrison? If so, which one?