The Invasion of Vol’dun hides a pair of secret robot battle pets
If you've participated in the Invasion of Vol'dun quest event you've probably seen Dookthar the Destroyer and Arachni locked in combat.
🔒 Invasion Points: Previewing future expansions?
When Blizzard announced we were going to Argus, I couldn't help but wonder what's next.
Patch 7.3 Invasion Points and You: Enjoyable or death-traps?
Tuesday's continuation of the Argus storyline also brought us new Invasion Points.
Breakfast Topic: Thank you, invasions
I'm having fun.
Legion invasion XP nerfs and class tweaks in today’s WoW hotfixes
As we've grown accustomed to over the past decade of World of Warcraft, Tuesday means maintenance day — and that means changes.
The Queue: My best Kermit flail
So, uh, yeah, I may have totally forgotten I had to write the Queue today. It’s been a week, let’s just leave it at that, okay?
This is that Queue I just remembered I’m supposed to write. Let’s talk about Blizzard games.
Breakfast Topic: Excitement or dread
I'm of two minds about Legion coming this month.
Breakfast Topic: The ups and downs of pre-patch
I'm in a weird place in World of Warcraft right now.