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The Queue: Lady Mara Fordragon

This is an image of the statue of Lady Mara Fordragon in the Paladin Class Hall underneath Light’s Hope.  We don’t really know that much about Lady Mara, save that she was High Clerist of Stormwind during the evacuation after Orcs set the city on fire during the end of the First War. She helped the refugees escape and served as their patron, and she’s probably dead now. She may have been related to (perhaps even mother to) Bolvar Fordragon, aka ‘Captain Toastybuns McDeadpants of Evil Snowcone Mountain’.

I’ve always liked that characters like her exist, heroes we don’t know all that much about, and I think the statue is pretty cool. So there it is.

This is the Queue. We’ll likely talk about Legion today, so be warned and on the lookout for spoilers.

The Queue: Artifactastic

So yeah, I’ve gotten the first stage of the Artifacts for Fury Warriors, Retribution Paladins, and Frost Death Knights so far. I won’t spoil anything if I can possibly help it, but still, spoiler warning — we’re going to likely talk a lot about the Legion alpha test in here.

This is the Queue. We talk about Blizzard games. Again, there may be spoilers for Legion, so proceed with caution if you don’t want spoilers.

Lightsworn: Analyzing datamined Protection Paladin changes in Legion

It begins! The alpha client is being delved by intrepid dataminers, each lowered down into the depths of the code in rickety buckets, armed with a pickaxe and a headlamp, so that they can chip away at obfuscation and return with gold nuggets of much anticipated information. This is easily one of the most exciting points in the expansion cycle because the possibilities seem so endless. So far the spell changes and talents have been revealed for Protection Paladins, though not yet the artifact weapon talents. Even without a deeper look at the preliminary benefits attached to our artifact sword and board, there is still a whole lode of information that we can pore over. Let’s jump right in and see what’s in store for us so far.

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