Method claims World First Mythic Kil’jaeden kill
It's all over but the screaming: after getting the world first Mythic Fallen Avatar of Sargeras kill back on July 4th, Method has now completed their conquest of Tomb of Sargeras with the world's first kill of Mythic Kil'jaeden, bringing an end to the longest progression race World of Warcraft has seen since Al'Akir back in Cataclysm.
Method claims World First Avatar kill, Mythic Kil’jaeden up for grabs
Last week, Method downed the Fallen Avatar in Mythic Tomb of Sargeras (warning, NSFW language in this kill video) to claim a World First kill, and now all eyes turn to Kil'jaeden, who has officially stayed up the longest of any Mythic end-boss since Al'Akir back in Cataclysm.
Method, Wowhead team up for Mythic Hellfire Citadel guides
If you're interested in raiding Hellfire Citadel on Mythic difficulty, you probably want to give a look to these guides on Wowhead, created by Method, the guild that completed world first Mythic Archimonde.
Method posts World First Mythic Archimonde kill video
Method has just published their official video of their world-first kill of Mythic Archimonde, the final and most difficult encounter in Warlords of Draenor (having taken Method a record 472 pulls to finally beat).
Method gets world first Mythic Archimonde kill
After a few harrowing weeks and raid resets, Method has come through with the world first Mythic kill of Archimonde, the final boss in Hellfire Citadel.
Method snags World First Mythic Blackhand
Mythic difficulty for Blackrock Foundry has only been open for a little over a week, but European guild Method successfully defeated Blackhand, the final boss, and claimed the world first Mythic Blackhand kill earlier today.