Which old antagonists would you like to see return to World of Warcraft? How should they return?
I'll open by stating that Sire Denathrius had the potential to be an extremely relevant antagonist in World of Warcraft, far beyond just the limited influence he had in the Shadowlands.
What do you consider the best class/Covenant combination so far?
I'm seeing a lot of people arguing that for raw power, the Venthyr absolutely dominate in melee, especially for Warriors.
Don’t forget! You can upgrade your Covenant gear up to ilevel 197
If you've been progressing in your Covenant questline, you may have noted that the pieces you got earlier are languishing in your bags because they're low ilevel, while the latest pieces are as good or better than Heroic dungeon gear.
Covenants, the cause of and solution to all of my problems
Now that I have two characters at 60 and have started catching up on Renown -- level 6 today yay -- I'm really coming to realize I had absolutely no idea what I was doing when it came to getting my Covenant systems in place.
Which zone or Covenant has surprised you the most so far? Have your plans changed by leveling?
I admit it: Despite Jellycat existing, I hated Maldraxxus for months.
What’s your favorite Covenant?
Covenants are the major story focus of World of Warcraft's upcoming Shaodowlands expansion.
How do you feel about Covenants as endgame play?
When you hit level 60 in World of Warcraft: Shadowlands, you will likely be spending a great deal of your time following one of the four Covenants -- doing the storyline quests, leveling up your reputation with them, and so on.
Which Covenant should I choose in WoW Shadowlands?
In Legion, we gained our story by being part of a class Order, and each class had a different path through the expansion due to this overarching storyline unique to the individual Order Halls.