Old Content
How much Timewalking would be too much for you?
There's a fair amount of content in World of Warcraft, and the modern game goes to some lengths to keep it at least relatively relevant with "Chromie Time" campaigns.
How is Shadowlands going to handle solo farming old content?
One of my favorite things in playing World of Warcraft is what I call transmog farming, even though it isn't always for transmog items -- sometimes I'll go tear my way through Black Temple or Hellfire Citadel just because it's fun for me to blow up old content.
Blizzard’s removal of several portals in patch 8.1.5 is an unnecessary change with poor reasoning
Update 3/6/19: Blizzard responded to player complaints with a lengthy forum post outlining more reasons they're moving forward with this change.
How important is soloing old content to you?
It's pretty important to me to be able to solo old content in World of Warcraft.
🔒 Legion’s fast-paced patch cycle and the grind that never ends
Legion has been unprecedented in the amount of content put out, a direct response to the negative experience in the previous expansion.
What motivates you to run old content?
If I were going to be honest I'd admit up front that I haul my alts through older content for a variety of reasons.
Do you still run old content?
I don't need anything in Ulduar.
Breakfast Topic: How do you feel about Timewalking dungeons?
I really do not know how I feel about Timewalking dungeons. On the one hand, as I've discussed before, I'm excited to go back in time with the modern Enhancement toolkit, since there are many times when massive AoE damage and useful crowd control were the pinnacle of dungeon design.
Raiding With Leashes 3 field guide
A quick and dirty guide to all the pets in the latest installment of the popular Raiding With Leashes achievement series.