Player Housing
What would you give up for player housing?
If the magical Blizzard fairies came to your house and said "Okay, you can have player housing but we must sacrifice some current feature for it" what would you be willing to give up?
Breakfast Topic: Old perennials
Certain issues seem to come up with every expansion -- you can maybe go a year without hearing about them, but never two.
Role Play: How to handle player housing
One of the hopes for garrisons when Warlords of Draenor was announced was that they would act, in a way, like the player housing that players have been craving since the game was launched.
The Queue: My dream for player housing
So a lot of folks talked about player housing yesterday. Okay, I’m willing to go with the flow.
The is The Queue. We talk about Blizzard games here. Let us begin.
Breakfast Topic: I still want player housing
I had such high hopes for garrisons when they were first introduced.
No player or guild housing coming to Legion
In an interview with Game-Guide, J.
Breakfast Topic: The one garrison feature I want to keep
So, it's official.