Where in the world of Warcraft do you want to go next?
Shadowlands can't last forever; regardless of what the Jailer and Sylvanas do over the next few patches, at some point we'll be venturing somewhere new.
How should Blizzard approach the Maw intro for people leveling alts?
In my opinion, the biggest block to leveling another character to 60 in Shadowlands is the idea that I will be forced to run them through the Maw again.
The dramatic story of Rendle the dredger
In the Shadowlands, in the lands of Revendreth, there is a race known as Dredgers.
All of the changes to Torghast in patch 9.1
Torghast supposed to be an ever-changing prison, and living up to that theme, the Tower of the Damned is getting a major remodel in patch 9.1.
Lore Watch Podcast 193: The lore behind Diablo’s Assassin, Demon Hunter, and Witch Doctor classes
This week, Matt Rossi and Joe Perez explore the lore behind the Assassin, Demon Hunter, and Witch Doctor classes in the Diablo universe.
WoW is an eternal leveling treadmill, and it always has been
Borrowed power systems have been a staple of World of Warcraft since the Legion expansion.
BlizzCon 2021 is officially canceled, but there will be another version of BlizzConline in 2022
There was no BlizzCon in 2020 due to the pandemic, but BlizzConline earlier this year was a sort of replacement for it.
Lore Watch Podcast 192: The lore behind Diablo’s Monk, Necromancer, and Amazon classes
This week, Matt Rossi and Joe Perez continue their exploration of Diablo class lore, this time covering the Monk, Necromancer, and Amazon classes.
How to unlock the Adamant Vaults in Torghast
There are some new changes coming to Torghast in patch 9.1, one of which is a new bonus area, Adamant Vaults.
Lore Watch Podcast 191: Diving into the World of Warcraft: Folk & Fairy Tales of Azeroth book
This week Matt Rossi and Joe Perez explore the politics of Kyrians choosing who is worthy of an afterlife, what the latest expansion reveals about the Forsaken, and the possible connections with Sylvanas and the Shadowlands in the new World of Warcraft: Folk & Fairy Tales of Azeroth book.