Breakfast Topic: What’s your favorite bonus weekend event?
It appears that we've come full circle around the entirety of what the new bonus event weekends, introduced in patch 6.2, have to offer.
Breakfast Topic: Create a bonus event
It's not really a secret that I love the Timewalking bonus weekends.
Arcane Sanctum: Timewalking dungeons for Mages
I’d planned to write about Timewalking before I’d even had a chance to try it.
Get started with Timewalking in WoW
It's Timewalking time!
Lightsworn: Maximizing your Holy Paladin for Timewalking
The first Timewalking weekend has come and gone, and after diving back into Burning Crusade classics like Shattered Halls and the Arcatraz, I have to say: Timewalking is a blast.
Breakfast Topic: Do you want other Timewalking eras?
With the introduction of Timewalking we've seen several Burning Crusade and Wrath era dungeons made relevant again, with a chance at scaling 660 gear and a chance to experience the dungeons with their mechanics at the same level as they were originally designed for.
Breakfast Topic: Would you like Timewalking to be a daily event?
This last weekend we saw Timewalking dungeons for the first time, as a bunch of us between level 71 and 100 ran old BC dungeons again, scaled down to level and wearing gear from every era of WoW that followed.
Breakfast Topic: What are you wearing for Timewalking?
Go grab all your old legendaries!
Breakfast Topic: Timewalking is incredible
This weekend is officially patch 6.2's first bonus-event weekend and it brings with it Timewalking to Burning Crusade dungeons.
Patch 6.2 hotfix to gear quality and drop frequency
Some fine tuning changes on gear drop chances and quality are being deployed for next week's downtime.