Introducing Hearthstone’s latest hero, Nemsy Necrofizzle
Hearthstone is getting a new alternate hero!
Know Your Lore: The Fall of Argus, Part 1
The homeworld of the Eredar.
Breakfast Topic: Could WoW fit new specs?
Right now all WoW classes have three specializations, except Druids who have four, and Demon Hunters will come in with Legion and will only have two.
Blood Pact: Legion’s Warlock legendaries
Among the Diablo 3-esque features of this expansion, in addition to the bounty-like world questing, are legendaries with specific class ability effects, sometimes spec-specific.
Class halls help gain secondary artifacts and more
While everyone else on Legion alpha was retaining their most progressed leveling characters for more raid testing, I rerolled my Warlocks to level again.
More iconic abilities returning in Legion
Blizzard's approach to class design in Legion centers around the "distinctive identity" of a class and its specializations.
Deck Tech: Hearthstone’s Reno Warlock
This week's deck centers around the new Reno Jackson legendary that came out with League of Explorers.
Video: Legion Warlock class hall tour
In my final class hall tour before the Legion alpha went down for the holidays, we took a look at the Warlock class hall.
The Queue: Which came first, the warlock or the mage?
This one’s never going to be solved, because we know that Doomguards were created by the Titans to hunt down those that engaged in sacrificial magics, implying that there were Warlocks before the fall of Sargeras. We know that the most famous Warlocks, Archimonde and Kil’jaeden, were Mages on Argus before Sargeras came and converted to Warlock magic as a result, and that the modern Warlock tradition derives from their teachings, so even former Orc Shamans who became Warlocks learned from Kil’jaeden’s teaching of Gul’dan and thus learned from a former Mage.
In the end, all we can do is go on with The Queue.
Deck Tech: Demon Handlock
While decks like last week's Secrets Paladin have an explosive strategy, Handlock relies heavily on having as many options available to deal with threats.