Warlords Of Draenor
Would you accept a complete departure in WoW?
Warlords of Draenor had several problems -- a lack of endgame content, a truncated storyline and a dearth of development where more than a year passed between the Hellfire raid and the next patch.
Catch up on lore with our guide to Warcraft in print
Since the release of Warcraft: Orcs & Humans back in 1994, Blizzard has been building a massive universe around the world of Azeroth.
Expansions, cycles, and player interest in WoW
There are players out there right now who are done playing Legion.
Know Your Lore: Remnants of the Black Dragonflight
Wrathion has been mysteriously absent.
Breakfast Topic: Draenor wasn’t all bad
I think I'm the guy who defended Cataclysm during its life cycle.
Breakfast Topic: How are you spending your last week of Draenor?
So this is it, my friends.
Know Your Lore: Gul’dan and Warlords of Draenor
We knew Gul'dan was evil -- he was responsible for the Shadow Council, the first Horde, the original invasion of Azeroth, and the corruption of the Orcs.
Harbingers: Khadgar makes its debut
The second Legion animated short, Harbingers: Khadgar, has arrived.
Breakfast Topic: A look back at Draenor
Ah, Draenor.
Harbingers: Gul’dan debuts as first Legion animated short
The first Legion animated short, Harbingers: Gul'dan has made its debut, telling the never-before seen story of Gul'dan's origins.