Patch 7.1 coming out on October 25

We just have two weeks to wait before patch 7.1 is here!
In today’s dev Q&A, Ion Hazzikostas dropped the news that patch 7.1 is just around the corner, coming our way on October 25. That means we’ll have a new patch to dig into right before BlizzCon, featuring:
- Karazhan Mythic dungeon (plus, of course, the requisite attunement chain)
- The conclusion to the Suramar story
- New World Quest: Falcosaurs Swarm
- World event area Return to Alcaz Isle
- Class changes and updated Honor Talents
- Blood of Sargeras vendor
- Easier alt advancement in the Broken Isles
- Raiding with Leashes IV
- Updates to smooth out low level leveling
- Fishing bobbers!
Of course, for the full run-down, check out the patch notes — but be aware that things may change between these PTR patch notes and the 7.1 going live.
One thing we won’t see going live with 7.1 is the Trial of Valor raid, which is due out two weeks later — so look for it on November 8. There’s also the Nighthold raid to look forward to: it’s due out before 7.2, but don’t expect it before 2017.
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