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BlizzCon > NewsOct 10, 2017 2:26 pm CT

New BlizzCon 2017 in-game goodies announced and going live

BlizzCon is creeping up on us (less than a month away!) and we’re now getting the rest of the BlizzCon in-game goodies as a treat. We saw the first in-game reward go live with the Virtual Ticket pre-order sales last month with the faction mounts for World of Warcraft. Blizzard announced the rewards for the rest of their games today and now Overwatch and StarCraft have their goodies live too, with the others coming later.

All of the in-game bonus items you receive with the Virtual Ticket:

  • Overwatch: BlizzCon 2017 skin for Winston (live now!)
  • StarCraft 2: Skins for Junker SCV, Probe, and Drone (live now!)
  • Heroes of the Storm: Nexus Razorback mount, Cartoon Nexus Razorback Spray, BlizzCon 2017 Banner, BlizzCon 2017 Portrait (coming soon)
  • Diablo 3: Murkromancer Pet (coming soon)
  • Hearthstone: Mystery Goodie (announced after BlizzCon)
  • World of Warcraft: Stormwind Skychaser and Orgrimmar Interceptor faction mounts (live now!)

Heroes of the Storm and Diablo will be getting their rewards “soon,” though it will probably be in the next week or so since BlizzCon is fast approaching in a little over 3 weeks. Hearthstone seems to be the odd one out, since its BlizzCon item isn’t even coming until after BlizzCon. That makes me think there’s something special being announced at the convention and the devs couldn’t pass up the opportunity to make this year’s bonus item related to it. It could be something as simple as a themed card back for a new expansion, and alternate hero portrait, or maybe something brand new that will blow our socks off.

If you hadn’t already grabbed your Virtual Ticket and the rest of the in-game goodies have won you over, head on over to the store page to order it now. The Virtual Ticket is offering much more this year than in the past and will cover every single stage at BlizzCon, including the never-before-streamed voice actor panels and engineering panels. You’ll even have up to a month after to re-watch everything to your heart’s content.

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